Module 3 Ruby on Rails

Posted by Felicia Smith on May 12, 2020

Module 3 was a bumpy road for me. As you all know, we are living through a pandemic, and in many ways it has changed my life as I knew it! Before, we were a travelling family, myself, my husband, and our three children traveled the US for my husbands work. The last 3 years have been consistenly on the road and we have had an awesome time. However, our home state is Oklahoma and with the coronavirus going on, we decided to move back home to be close to family and friends. We were living in Colorado when I started this program, so we packed up our RV and moved back to Oklahoma. My husband had accepted a full-time permanent position in Oklahoma and felt like things were falling into place; however, when he went to orientation he was told that they were shut down. A number of things/issues followed afterwords and that is really what led to the module being difficult.

The module itself was fun to learn, fast paced, and has taken the most effort to understand! However, passing this milestone while all of the outside issues have been unfolding is what I consider a win. I am excited about my future as a software developer and can’t wait to see what module 4 has in store for us! Good luck to you all, stay safe, stay healthy, and talk to you soon!