The world has been an interesting place lately. The adventure I have had at Flatiron so far, is nothing short of chaotic. I started school in December and everything was rolling pretty smoothly until about February. As we all know, February was when the Coronavirus officially hit and we were living near Denver, Co. We were a travelling family and went across the US from jobsite to jobsite but our home base has always been in Oklahoma. So, when we heard that everything was starting to shut down, we decided to move back to Oklahoma to be near family, friends, and our home during the pandemic. When we came back to Oklahoma we made the big decision to stop traveling, buy a home, and settle back down. So, during the pandemic, while everything was shut down, we found, purchased, and moved into our new home. That was a feat in and of itself! I am also a stay-at-home mother of three children, whom I homeschool by choice, and then I have my school (Flatiron School).
I have to admit that with everything else going on there were times that Flatiron was put on the back burner and that is not how I started or intended to complete my journey with Flatiron. So, with this project I had to dive back in full force, clear my calender, and really get back on track…. then… The world starts protesting against the unfair treatment of black people and that is a movement that I completely stand behind. I am a white female but care deeply about the equal treatment of all people. Then my air conditioning went out on my new home, then the well we pump water from needed to be fixed, and our new kitten became severly sick for no apparent reason. This has been a week!
However, regardless of all the distractions, issues, and hang-ups I have submitted a finished project!! I decided to make a Random Recipe Maker. The app allows you to store your favorite recipes and also allows the user to be able to pull up recipes by searching ingredients. It was made for people who need to make a meal out of what they have available. I did enjoy working on this project and look forward to building out full functionality. I am optimistic about my last month at Flatiron School and hope you all are hanging in there and pushing through these difficult times!
Becoming a software engineer is starting to feel real and it’s so exciting. I can’t wait to see where all of this will lead!