I decided that I wanted to do a Diner app, I had again started and stopped several projects, but the Diner app to avail! The most difficult aspect of this project, for me, was correctly drawing the model relationships and the nested routes. The User can sign-up and sign-in using the Devise gem and can also sign-in through Git-hub and the omniauth-github gem. The User can create a menu, create an order, see all the menu’s and orders, and edit the menus and orders. There is a lot of extra-functionality that I would like to eventually add but for now I am happy with the result! This project seemed to have had a lot more code than the Sinatra project, you really have to understand what is going on to create a Rails app, and I think that is what I enjoy most about software engineering. The never ending learning and changing!! Honestly, at times, I found it difficult to stay focused on my project with the coronavirus going on and being ill, but I am glad that I completed this project and am truly excited to see what we will learn with Javascript.